People often avoid difficult conversations because they don’t know how to begin them, they are afraid things might get out of control, and/or they don’t know how it will end. They lack both experience and confidence. Sometimes there are important and missing conversations because it isn’t recognized that there is a missing conversation.

The put-your-head-in-the-sand approach rarely makes things better.

There are many different techniques and scripts that contribute to productive conversations. Difficult/missing conversations training leads to confidence and a willingness to have those conversations. As leaders, managers, supervisors, and staff have more "difficult" conversations, they find it is easier to have them. As a result:

  • Their skill level rises

  • The work environment is healthier

  • People are more productive (avoidance requires more energy than a productive conversation)

Leaders, managers, supervisors, and staff are trained to come from "carefrontation," not confrontation.

Carefrontation includes:

  • Caring enough to share
  • Kindness
  • Support
  • Directness
  • Bravery
  • Recognizing uncomfortable feelings

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"A person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have."
– Timothy Ferriss
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