
As a coach, teacher, and facilitator, it is important that I continually learn and grow. These certifications and the continuing workshops that go with these certifications help me help you.

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International Coach Federation

The International Coach Federation seeks to advance the art, science and practice of professional coaching. It sets the recognized standards of coaching competencies, establishes the professional code of ethics and standards, and credentials coaches.

Leadership Embodiment

Leadership Embodiment

How you sit, stand and breathe can change the way you think and speak. Leadership Embodiment jumpstarts moving from a reactive place to a resourceful place. Using leadership embodiment practices, you will be more inclusive, expand your centered listening and speak up in appropriate ways.


Leadership Network Diagnostic

Helps you understand your current network and what your network should be to maximize your effectiveness at work.


Polarity Thinking 

A problem is something that can have a right, or best, answer. It is either/or thinking.

A polarity is both/and thinking. It is a dilemma that is ongoing, unsolvable and contains two interdependent ideas that are leveraged to achieve a greater purpose.


Resilient Leadership

Grounded in the scientific understanding of group functioning, the Resilient Leadership model helps leaders understand how the “emotional system” of their organization often dictates much of how the organization functions on the rational level. By learning to understand and recognize the emotional system at play, the leader is able to calm office anxiety, clear confusion, and spur a productive, engaged workforce.



Is a set of tools that create a culture of commitment and accountability. As a result of training and proficiency in SOAR, professional and personal relationships improve, individuals expand their self-awareness and self-responsibility as well as improve their emotional well-being, increase their ability to learn, adapt and innovate; improve employee alignment, engagement and talent retention.

Story Type and Narrative Intelligence

Storylines that resonate with you most (and the characters in them) tell you a great deal about who you are at your best, what you believe most deeply, how you’re most likely to act as a result – and what will happen you come together in groups. Narratives capture the patterns of meaning and motivation that define almost everything that goes on around us.

Team Conversational Norms Diagnostic Circle

Team Conversational Norms Diagnostic

Identifies the types of conversations your team is having and provides a roadmap to better performance through better dialogue.


360 Tools

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Leadership Circle

Leadership Circle is a 360-feedback tool and is a powerful way to help people become more effective. It measures creative leadership competencies and reactive tendencies.

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Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) Benchmarks 

The Benchmarks® Suite includes four research-based 360-degree instruments with a consistent reporting format to help organizations create a common leadership language and consistent feedback process at multiple levels through the company.

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